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PGIB Policy

PROVINCIAL & FEDERAL (For MUNICIPAL Policies please scroll down to the bottom)


Government should regard public money as funds held in trust. Governments should practice fiscal responsibility, beginning with a balanced budget.

  • This is why the PGIB supports requiring the government to balance the budget every year at all levels or be obligated to call an election on that issue alone.
  • PGIB would like to see a Taxpayer Protection Act (forcing a binding referendum on raising taxes).
  • PGIB will push for the elimination of MPP, MLA and MP super-pensions and tax-free allowances.
  • PGIB has been lobbying for a required yearly financial statement from every level of government disclosing where tax money has been allocated.
  • PGIB will push for the reform of elected & appointed government officials' compensation.
  • PGIB is committed to require quarterly financial statements by every level of government which must disclose where tax money has been allocated.


PGIB believes that Canadians should be treated equally regardless of race, language and culture, and not receive special treatment because of these characteristics. We believe in promoting Canadians, not hyphenated Canadians. Multiculturalism and Employment Equity programs have divided this country and promoted racism. Therefore, PGIB promotes the elimination of the following:

  • Government funded multiculturalism
  • Grants or funding of special interest groups
  • Human Rights Commissions and Tribunals
  • Forced bilingualism
  • Employment Equity laws and programs


PGIB believes Property Rights are a spur to creative effort in improving one's circumstances. It protects the freedom of the individual.


PGIB believes that politicians are elected to represent their constituents. We also believe the people should decide the direction of the government on major issues. Therefore, PGIB supports the following:

  • Recall PGIB believes that voters must be able to recall politicians at any level who fail to represent their interests
  • Free votes This will allow our politicians to represent us not just toe their party line
  • Referendums on major issues
  • Fixed terms in office
  • Fixed Election Dates
  • A Triple E Senate (Elected, Equal and Effective)


The PGIB proposes the enactment of a Taxpayer Protection Act at all levels of government, forcing a binding referendum on raising involuntary fees and taxes.


Allow immigration to be strictly controlled by the Provinces.


PGIB feels that business needs a break. The average Canadian business pays far too many different Municipal, Provincial and Federal Government taxes. Moreover, restrictive Provincial labour laws also limit the independence of business owners to strategically grow their businesses and add more employees as they see fit. PGIB supports eliminating these restrictions on growth through the following policies:

  • A reduction in taxes
  • A flat tax on income earners and business
  • Replacement of the Workers' Compensation Board with privately funded programs
  • Elimination of business subsidies and corporate handouts ("Corporate Welfare")
  • Elimination of inter-provincial trade barriers
  • Ensuring that every province is a "Right to Work Province" (meaning an end to forced unionism and/or dues as a condition to employment)
  • Elimination of the Employer Health Taxes (a double penalty on business owners)
  • Elimination of business subsidies and corporate handouts ("Corporate Welfare")
  • Elimination of all income, business and payroll taxes to be replaced by a consumption and expenditure tax
  • A complete Organizational Review of all civic organizations with regards to core services should be undertaken to improve productivity and delivery of services


PGIB believes the government of Canada should restore appropriate funding to the Canadian Military to ensure operational readiness and effectiveness.


If Canada Customs & Revenue Agency forces an audit and no wrong doing is found the agency should be responsible for compensation (IE. legal bills, accounting fees and lost revenue). Canada Customs & Revenue Agency should not be able to enforce "Requirement To Pay" form on any accounts without due process of law.

If Canada Customs & Revenue Agency forces an audit and no wrongdoing is found the agency should be responsible for compensation (IE. legal bills, accounting fees and lost revenue).


Allow immigration to be strictly controlled jointly by the Provinces and the federal government


PGIB believes in providing Canadians who need help with a hand up and not a handout. To support an environment where the unemployed can develop self reliance and self-esteem, we advocate a workfare system which requires the provision of service to the community.


The business of government is to be a facilitator for the provision of services not a provider of services. Consequently, PGIB supports the privatization of all crown corporations.
-The privatization of all Crown corporations
-Privitization of non-essential services


PGIB opposes the First Nation Gaming Policy in it's current form.


PGIB supports the sale of The Alberta Treasury Bank. Proceeds of the sale of the Alberta Treasury should go towards the payment of debt and reduction of taxes.


PGIB advocates allowing business to opt out of the WCB and pursue their own private and cheaper insurance programs offered by the private sector.


Keep the Government out. A competitive market in insurance provides the consumer with better rates and coverage than a government run, taxpayer financed monopoly.


PGIB will fight any increase in CPP contributions. PGIB will encourage the public to invest in their own private retirement plans. PGIB advocates mandatory provincial pension plans regulated by provincial governments but managed by private enterprise.


PGIB feels that a dollar left in the hands of a taxpayer is more productive than that same dollar left in the hands of the government. Moreover, restrictive provincial labour laws also limit the independence of business owners to strategically grow their businesses and add more employees as they see fit. Erik supports eliminating these restrictions on growth through the following policies:

  • A single rate of tax on income earners and businesses
  • No taxes on overtime earning (Why punish initiative and desire?)
  • A reduction in taxes
  • Elimination of all income, business and payroll taxes to be replaced by a consumption and expenditure tax


Canadians shall have the right to own, enjoy and use firearms in a responsible manner, and no law will infringe upon heritage, culture, and other historical rights relating to hunting, trapping, recreational target shooters, firearms collectors, agricultural firearms usage and other historical firearms activities. If necessary provincial governments will legally challenge any aforementioned infringements and will if necessary after a referendum invoke the "Not Withstanding Clause"


PGIB believes that the Supreme Court of Canada has become political and activist and in no way reflects the will of the majority of Canadians. Since these judges are ruling according to their own personal and political agenda we support and will actively promote elected Supreme Court Judges in Canada.


Never has Canada been so plagued by political scandal and lack of ethics as under our current Government. We need an independent Ethics Counselor that reports directly to the House of Commons. We need politicians that are ethical, and if not, Canadians must vote them out of office.


Any Province that chooses to innovate in the delivery of health care must be allowed to do so with out penalty. Further more, the Federal Government must stop playing politics with health transfer payments. Make the transfers predictable and consistent.


We must implement real environmental protection to combat smog, sulphur dioxide, nitrous oxide, particulate emissions and acid rain not the bogus Kyoto accord which not only will do nothing for global warming but does nothing to reduce pollution.


We need to update our equipment, increase personal and accommodate more and better training. We need to bring in comprehensive anti-terrorism legislation.


The Canadian Wheat Board is a monopoly whose time is up. Farmers should have the right of choice in the marketing of their grain.


The gun registry is a disgraceful waste of tax dollars. We need to scrap this ill conceived Liberal policy.


We need to stand shoulder to shoulder with our allies to curb global terrorism. We need a positive relation with our largest trading partner. We must be tough in our trade negotiations with the U.S.


  • Elimination of Regional Government (where applicable)
  • One Alderman per ward (where not already)
  • Make the Alderman's job full time (where feasible)
  • Amalgamation of school boards
  • Privatization of city services (city transit, utilities, etc). Use the proceeds to contribute towards infrastructure capital costs and debt repayment.
  • Recorded votes on all matters
    Implement a Municipal Taxpayer Protection Act, forcing a binding referendum on raising taxes.
  • Referendum on privatization of city utilities
  • Put all utilities under the Public Utilities Board and ensure that rates will be reviewed by and independent body.
  • Create a public/private task force on privatization
  • More public/private partnerships to provide certain infrastructure.
  • A complete organizational review of all departments (with public input).
  • An elimination of 'In-Camera' meeting (These meeting are private calloused meetings.) This will lead to more accountability of our elected officials. For example, in 1997, Calgary City Council met behind closed doors and gave themselves a 4% salary increase and a very comfortable severance package.
  • Changes to the Municipal Act so that Aldermen seeking another level of government must resign their seat as soon as intentions are declared.
  • Recorded votes on all matters (accessible to the public on all matters).
  • Severe penalties for graffiti vandals.
  • Crackdown on prostitution, including aggressive campaigns against clients.
  • PGIB supports a no municipal business tax policy on home-based businesses.
  • Recording of all public meetings to be made available to the public

To submit a policy idea please send your policy idea to Please insure your membership number is included or the policy will not be reviewed.

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