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What are People Saying About PGIB

"If you want cocktails join the Group downtown. If you want something done join the PGIB."Stephen Harper (Prime Minister) April 1999 PGIB National Convention Calgary, Alberta "I encourage you to join the PGIB is you have not already and demand a restructuring of the public sector to both cut costs and improve services. It is time to go forward with a common-sense plan to unleash the power of the marketplace." Mike Harris (Former Premier of Ontario) January 1994 PGIB Rally Hamilton, Ontario"I am a proud member of the PGIB." Alderman Ric McIver Calgary, Alberta"The PGIB is the single most effective business and taxpayer organization in Canada." Alex Ingram former Co-Op Grocery Store Chain Board Member Calgary, Alberta"Until PGIB arrived on the scene small business issues were not being addressed properly." MLA Jon Lord Calgary, Alberta" ...the Calgary-based Progressive Group for Independent Business, a group known as the brains behind Ontario Premier Mike Harris's Common-Sense Revolution. " The Globe and Mail March 14, 1997" In Canada, new groups including the Progressive Group for Independent Business...have formed specifically to protest provincial government policies and the impact of their recent Budgets (PGIB) is politically direct - not politically correct. " Maclean's May 31, 1993" I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore. It is these same sediments that prompted the establishment of the Progressive Group for Independent Business (PGIB). " The Halton Business Journal February Edition 1993" PGIB represents 'what the taxpayers are thinking. " Hamilton Spectator" We're just a little bit fed up with the traditional politics in city and regional council. We need some people in there who can run city council like business. " The Burlington Spectator March 7, 1994" The Progressive Group for Independent Business is placing city council on a " trough watch " and handed the mayor (Walter Mulkewich) a certificate announcing him the winner of the group's (Municipal Trough Feeding) Award. " The Hamilton Spectator March 9, 1995" The PGIB receives no government funding. " The Burlington Post August 2, 1996" While other business lobby groups such as the Canadian Chamber of Commerce and Canadian Federation of Independent Business do good work, Mr. Chandler said, there's also room on the stage for an organisation that's going to be a little more demanding. 'Groups like that are all right, but they're just not making enough noise. We're going out there to do some damage because it's time for some radical change. " The Hamilton Spectator" We're going to lobby against anything that will hinder business in the province. The big corporations have all kinds of protection, but there's nothing out there for the little guy." Craig Chandler, PGIB President The Hamilton Spectator" The Progressive Group for Independent Business, a right-of-centre business and taxpayers' group that rallied against Sheila Copps' reprehensible re-election campaign in Hamilton East, has moved its national headquarters to Calgary " The Calgary Sun August 12, 1996" Please accept my appreciation for your dedication, hard work and commitment to the citizens of Calgary. " Alderman Patti Grier June, 1997" PGIB advocates lower taxes, debt and deficit reduction, and eliminating government funding of multiculturalism, special interest groups, employment equity programs and " forced " bilingualism. It also wants to see increased privatisation at all levels of government. " The Calgary Herald"'s just conservative common sense that the PGIB group shares on issues ranging from Market Value Assessment to accountability. " Calgary Herald October, 1998" ...the PGIB...tried to prevent a conservative vote split and turn the city of Calgary into a privatising, debt killing machine. " FFWD Magazine October, 1998" Calling for openness and fiscal restrain, the right wing PGIB makes no secret about wanting to run city hall like a business. " Calgary Sun September, 1998" ...the publics reaction to bringing party politics to city hall has been overwhelmingly positive. " Calgary Sun September, 1998" A worthwhile PGIB plank is the elimination of city councils secretive in camera meetings. " Calgary Sun October, 1998" Visibility is what PGIB wants. With in you face tactics, Chandler and his group will challenge, question and argue with status quo thinking. " Business Dynamics June, 1998" The PGIB are clearly aggressive and work on some of the same issues that are important to me. They can help get out the message and get more people involved. " - Alderman Jon Lord Business Dynamics June, 1998The Cdn Federation of Independent Business (CFIB) Wright Says he welcomes the idea " This could be the rebirth of municipal party politics in Alberta. " Alberta Report August, 1998" Your organisation has a significant impact on Albertans. " Canada West Foundation August, 1998" PGIB offers real, unique solutions that will work. From a Municipal Taxpayer Protection Act to open accountable government PGIB has the answer. " Randy Thorsteinson Former Social Credit Party Leader
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