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About the PGIB

The Progressive Group for Independent Business (PGIB) was founded in 1992, in Burlington Ontario as a voice for small 'c' conservative business owners and individuals who were rapidly becoming economic refugees in their own country.

Since those days, the PGIB has grown substantially and continues to force issues of importance to the forefront of the political agenda.  Our national office is in Alberta and we also have representation throughout British Columbia and Ontario.

The organization has three main sides to it, as well as various benefits to membership.

Firstly,  the Progressive Group for Independent Business (PGIB) is an organization that lobbies for less government, lower taxes and political accountability at all levels of government. Some of our members get actively involved in promotion of our small 'c' conservative agenda through door knocking; phone calling; etc., during elections, however, most members do not take part in the political process and are not expected to, as they are busy trying to pay their bills, grow their business and spend time with their families. Yet, they do find it refreshing and comforting to know that we not only provide them with many tools to make more money, but also, are out there fighting on their behalf and are their defense when government is against them.

Unlike, other organizations we actually get involved in the political process and do not just critique the process from the sidelines.  We help our members actually get elected at all levels of government, we attend policy conventions of various parties and get our platforms adopted, and we provide alternative budgets and solutions to constantly reduce the tax burden on individuals and small businesses. Other groups pride themselves on cocktails and newsletters. PGIB prides itself on results!

Our accomplishments are very diverse, impressive, and too lengthy to discuss here in this letter, so I encourage you to look at our website at our Accomplishments.   We know you will be supportive and impressed!

Also, unlike other business groups, the government does not fund PGIB. Our money comes from people just like you, not from the government trough!  We do need your support to fight the taxaholism and closed-door governance that is rampant at City Hall and Ottawa. Remember, those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom, must undergo the fatigue of supporting it!  

Secondly, we have organised Business Network Referral Clubs (BNRC) throughout Canada, which are a great opportunity to grow your business. This is not your 'downtown social club'.   Unlike any other networking-groups, we continually require our members to share contacts.   Its not "Do you have any referrals?"   Its "How many referrals do you have?"   Referral slips are given as receipts with copies for all concerned and a copy for the executive for monitoring purposes.   At the end of the meeting, when its time to exchange referrals, its amazing to see actual business transpire before your very eyes!

What makes PGIB Business Clubs unique, is our 8-week Organizational Review where we want to know if you've gotten business. If you haven't gotten business yet, rather than sweep it under the carpet, we let all the members know so that we can collectively work to tap into our warm markets and all get quality business for each other.

We also pay a $40 finders fee for members bringing in members.  

Also, the exclusivity in the referral clubs is a plus. By allowing only one person, per industry, per chapter, it guarantees that there will never be any competition to you within your chapter. Such diversity allows you different perspectives on how to improve your business.   No competition also means that you can and will form strategic alliances with different businesses in the club to create 'one-stop shopping'. We cap the membership in each club at 40 businesses, so there are numerous alliances that develop.   Imagine yourself in a boardroom with 20 - 30 new salespeople, that all work part-time for you.

What really sets us apart is that we have the largest staff of Business Development Representatives in Calgary, and we offer a $40 finder's fee to members who bring new members to the table, which means, our clubs are filling up faster than any other networking organization. Translation: more members per club and more business per club.

The third side of our organization is called the Right Pages.   This directory is for members that choose to be listed (not all members do) on our website and it is designed to add even more value to an already invaluable membership in the PGIB.   It encourages our continually growing, ever expanding, extremely loyal member base to take advantage of the services you have to offer and rewards them via your discount offer.

The Right Pages is fast becoming the most popular and widely used directory as over 6,500 members are consistently looking at the site before they buy.   Whether its a haircut; meats; carpet cleaners; cars; accountants; taxi services; hotels; cell phones; gasoline; furniture; etc., people are looking amongst the membership before they buy, and I am hearing testimonials to this fact daily.

Not only will the Right Pages increase your business, even if you choose not to give a discount, but it will save you hundreds, if not thousands of dollars.   Some discounts are up to a possible 25%, such as the Brick's offer to all PGIB members on furniture. If you choose a corporate membership or greater, your employees may also take advantage of all the great savings, offering a huge value-add to your benefits, free.

Also, the PGIB has many benefits to help your business grow whether it be Visa and MasterCard Merchant rates of 1.82 and 1.86% , Health Spending Accounts, free event postings at Event Billboards, discounted sales training courses through the Canadian Leadership Institute to up to 20% off at 4,000 hotels in Canada & the U.S,.Free Job posting at, Free 3-day intensive with Millionaire Mind's Harv T. Ecker,  Free event postings at , Discounted courses with the Canadian Leadership Institute (CLI), Discounted Group Health & Dental Benefits, Discounted Business Expos; Key note Speaker Forums, Discounted Advertising; Signs, Graphics, newsletters, Printing; Web Design, Discounted Automotive Services, Discounted Professional Services - lawyers, accountants; etc...and many, many more discounts and services check out our Benefits section of this site for more info at

I encourage to join the PGIB to help make a better Canada, increase your bottom line and take part in many benefits that are offered.  Please call one of our office numbers below.

Looking forward to seeing you on the membership list.

Happy Capitalism,

Craig B. Chandler
Executive Director
The Progressive Group for Independent Business (PGIB)

National: 403-720-2143 or 1-866-725-2143
British Columbia:1-866-824-8455
Western Canada: 403-720-2143 or 1-866-725-2143
Central Canada: 905-336-0247 Ext. 1
Eastern Canada: 902-446-0125

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